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Username: Janesback

Post Number: 376
Registered: 08-2006
Posted on Friday, July 20, 2007 - 10:19 am:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Still fighting mental health I see Karl.....

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Username: Revaldullton

Post Number: 440
Registered: 07-2007
Posted on Friday, July 20, 2007 - 10:50 am:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Sorry Royce,

Im a poor white guy, my wife who is black is the one up the corporate ladder and the bread winner.

You're preceptions that white people have it made in America are clouded and false.

I guess once this idea has been instilled in your mind from childhood its hard to shake.
oh well.
the good rev
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Username: Revaldullton

Post Number: 441
Registered: 07-2007
Posted on Friday, July 20, 2007 - 10:57 am:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I think I should remove myself from this particular thread because its just going round and round with the same thing being repeated and we are getting no where as far as a middle ground.

We all have our thoughts and our ideas, unfortunately sometimes we cannot see eye to eye.

At least for the most part, fortunately a great majority of us both black and white like living together and enjoy each others lives, cultures and company .
Maybe one day the rest of you will join us.

Until then:
http://youtube.com/watch?v=-IE Rzx5Spic
the good rev
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Username: Royce

Post Number: 2307
Registered: 07-2004
Posted on Friday, July 20, 2007 - 11:27 am:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Yes, Rev, you do need to remove yourself from this thread. I am happy you that you have found an outlet for your thoughts. However, July is not over and you already have 441 posts. At this rate, you'll have 6000 posts by next July.

Lowell, I realize this thread has many posts, but to break it off after every 30th posts makes no sense when other threads go on for infinity and aren't broken up. What gives with this one?
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Username: Kathinozarks

Post Number: 715
Registered: 11-2006
Posted on Friday, July 20, 2007 - 11:35 am:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Dear Royce,

Mean people suck!


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Username: Revaldullton

Post Number: 442
Registered: 07-2007
Posted on Friday, July 20, 2007 - 11:41 am:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

uh Royce,

that was uncalled for. Now if I were to be rude to you then what?
Nevermind, continue on blaming everyone else for your problems.

the good rev
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Username: Kathinozarks

Post Number: 716
Registered: 11-2006
Posted on Friday, July 20, 2007 - 11:48 am:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I just had a thought. It seems like many of the posters here are just like the fine city of Detroit. They don't take well to new people, They are mean and judgemental.
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Username: Royce

Post Number: 2309
Registered: 07-2004
Posted on Friday, July 20, 2007 - 2:08 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Rev and Kath, where am I being mean? As newer persons to this forum you both need to realize that you sound like broken records when you continue to respond to the "same" thread over and over again, especially when all that you are doing is responding with one-liners to views you don't like. Accraghana was doing fine and then he said he was going to leave and then he kept coming back to respond to folks like you two who didn't like what he had to say. Then it got ugly. Enough already. Time to move on, and that's exactly what I'm going to do, especially regarding responding to you two.
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Username: Revaldullton

Post Number: 445
Registered: 07-2007
Posted on Friday, July 20, 2007 - 2:13 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I believe we are telling you the same, enough already with the repetitive white man is keeping me down crap when its not true.
eople get a little tired of hearing this nonsense even when it is put eloquently.

And yes, you were rude.

the good rev
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Username: Royce

Post Number: 2313
Registered: 07-2004
Posted on Saturday, July 21, 2007 - 6:41 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

One other thing. Someone said that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have been written off by mainstream America, and that Accraghana was starting to sound like the two of them. Well, the fact is Jackson and Sharpton, particularly Jackson, know history and have spoken against and continue to speak against injustices whites have perpetrated on blacks. Some whites can't handle that TRUTH and just think Jackson and Sharpton are opportunists.

The two of them simply seek to balance the playing field for blacks, women, and minorities, but whites don't like being constantly reminded when they've done wrong. It's like the kid whose parents keep reminding him every five minutes to take out the trash. He may gripe about it, but eventually if he doesn't want to hear their voices every five minutes, he takes out the trash. Well, Jackson and Sharton are like that.

Case in point, whatever shortcomings Al Sharpton has, it was his diligence that got Don Imus fired, which was justifiably deserved. Had Sharpton not pursued Imus's firing, Imus would have continued spewing out insulting comments about women and minorities. I applaud Al Sharton for his relentless pursuit for justice.

One thing that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton attempt to do is shake up the status quo, something those who are rich and those in power hate because it usually means that they have to change something or give up something or share something that they don't want to change, give up or share with others. Jackson and Sharpton try to get the government to pass policies that are fair to all people. Those who are rich and those in power, who tend to be white, don't like Jackson's and Sharpton's agitation. Well, as someone one said, "Give them hell, Harry."
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Username: Perfectgentleman

Post Number: 1879
Registered: 03-2006
Posted on Saturday, July 21, 2007 - 9:04 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Royce - Most people today are fresh out of white guilt. Although you are trying your best to keep it alive, nobody is buying what you’re selling. That tactic has been run dry by people like you, Jackson and Sharpton. Even most Liberals, who will agree with you to your face, privately don't buy it or at least don’t give a damn enough to do anything about it.

Democrat politicians will pander to blacks for votes but once the election is over they will be gone for another 2-4 years. Maybe they will show up for a funeral (Coretta Scott King comes to mind), give a speech and leave. They take the black vote for granted and treat you like idiots, trying to sound like preachers when they speak at certain events because that is the stereotypical view they have of the black community. You know it and I know it.

Despite the empty promises of the Democrats, there are no more programs based on white guilt coming down the pipe. We have had over 40 years of Great Society programs, affirmative action, countless laws and regulations trying to "level the playing field" and we have nothing to show for it except the further decline of the inner city (and now the suburbs) and billions in debt. Then we have people like you saying that whites haven't done enough.

Whites have benefited from blacks and blacks have benefited from whites. They have also done harm to one another. You seem to be trying to keep score of who is "owed more" but that is another game that is played out. Ultimately we are a nation of individuals who have to accept the consequences for our actions, regardless of our skin color. All attempts to deal with the “group status” of people have failed.

You seem to want white people to admit they are oppressors or racist first in order for them to have any credibility in your eyes. I have not oppressed anyone and just because I live in the suburbs, that doesn’t mean I have caused any of the problems blacks are facing in the inner city. Most of the them were self-inflicted, starting with the 67 riots, 5 terms of the incompetent Coleman Young, kids dropping out of school, crime and too many kids having kids they can’t provide for, something you seem to be ignoring.

I thought that accepting personal responsibility was the primary message of the Million Man March? It seems that it fell on deaf ears, at least in some cases. Many other prominent blacks have promoted this message including the current mayor of Detroit. Millions of blacks are prospering due to their own hard work and determination yet we still have those who want to blame whites for their problems.

Don Imus and Al Sharpton are irrelevant. Al’s attack on Imus was a publicity stunt and did nothing to further the black cause. Imus is coming back on the air soon and Sharpton has already said he does not oppose it. He milked it for all it was worth and will move on to the next scandal, good for him. How are blacks better off as a result? What poor inner city kid was affected in a positive way by that? It was all just useless grandstanding and posturing, something that Sharpton and Jackson have perfected.

Your militant attitude will only cause people to avoid you. Is that what you want? How can blacks and whites discuss issues openly in society when every word or action by a white person is being scrutinized for some hint of racism? It is easier to just disengage. I have seen this first hand, you try and have a conversation and suddenly someone is getting offended for no good reason.

Do you really want to know why blacks sometimes don't get hired? It is because of the perception that any potential criticism or disciplinary action taken against them will be characterized as racist and will expose the company to a costly lawsuit. That fear exists because of people like you. I hope my frank response doesn't offend.
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Username: Kathinozarks

Post Number: 726
Registered: 11-2006
Posted on Saturday, July 21, 2007 - 9:15 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Royce, you refer to "white people" in a way that smacks of racism. I'm sorry that you blame 'white people' for the problems of african americans.

Do you understand that the 'white people' you refer to have their own problems? Why should 'you white people' have to deal with african american's problems when many white people can barely make ends meet themselves? Keep in mind I just said 'many'.

Pick yourself up by the bootstraps? Heck yeah, we all should do that as a matter of personal responsibility and pride.

I will never blame anyone for my own shortcomings or my place in society. I, and only I, make the decisions that put me in the place that I am in now.

I don't think that you are wrong for your beliefs, I just don't want to be told that I am wrong for the way I live or the beliefs I hold; and especially that I am personally responsible for anyone else.

Also, being somewhat new to the forum shouldn't exclude my beliefs for discussion. That is why I, as well as Rev, are here. We enjoy learning.

The thing about empathy that you bring up concerns me. Gibran and I speak often of empathy. I wish to be empathetic. If I were to say to you that I want to be empathetic to your pain, would you say to me, "you are white, you wouldn't understand"?

Many african americans say that to caucasians, thereby ending all ability for caucasians to empathize.

Could we please stop using that line? It cuts off all lines of communication.

Some of the caucasian population want to empathize. Don't cut them off. Please, don't cut them off. Don't be defensive. Believe them when they say they want to understand. How many times have we all heard "it's a black thing; you wouldn't understand"? Try it. Maybe if you spoke to a caucasian about your feelings, they would engage you in a comprehensive discussion that would lead you both to benefit.

(Message edited by kathinozarks on July 21, 2007)
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Username: Michigan

Post Number: 789
Registered: 04-2007
Posted on Saturday, July 21, 2007 - 9:16 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

PG is being very accurate when he says corporations are afraid of law suits from minority hires. I have heard these conversations myself.

And i too am fresh out of white guilt. ANd I am not going to pick up any more.

Al sharpton is a liar, a charlatan, and a despicable man. If that is the best you can produce, God help us all.
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Username: 3rdworldcity

Post Number: 800
Registered: 01-2005
Posted on Saturday, July 21, 2007 - 10:01 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

As a white suburbanite, I love Royce's suggestion that the State reduce (or better yet, eliminate) the state sales tax in Detroit.

Car dealers, jewelers and sellers of other big ticket items would flock to Detroit, as would folks from all over the state who were in the market for high priced stuff. Git r done.
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Username: Sstashmoo

Post Number: 164
Registered: 02-2007
Posted on Saturday, July 21, 2007 - 10:21 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

PG, excellent post.
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Username: Number1

Post Number: 5
Registered: 07-2007
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 - 12:34 am:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Good post PG. You mentioned many things that I was going to mention. The fact that many black people in America ARE successful proves that racism doesn't prevent black people from succeeding. Many people in the inner city simply do not do the things it takes to be successful. They may grow up with bad parents that prevented them from reaching their potential, but this isn't caused by racism. It is simply bad parenting. Giving government handout will not solve this problem, because it gives an incentive for people not to stand on their own two feet. The solution to this problem is to promote hard work and personal responsibility in the inner-city.
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Username: Livernoisyard

Post Number: 3472
Registered: 10-2004
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 - 1:11 am:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

From the looks of it, WFAN has been floundering without the four or five hours of Imus during AM drive time. So, Imus is expected now to return by September--possibly even on CBS's WFAN. The free publicity for Imus is probably welcomed by him because he had already lost many of his affiliates, including WXYT when it went sports talk.

As a multimillionaire, his temporary loss of income won't be felt much. And he might have to be paid by CBS for his time off, too. Imus stated that his CBS contract had provisions of being allowed to shock-jock. In any case, CBS will probably pay him off in order to get him back.

So, what did Sharpton really achieve in all that? Even Sharpton concedes that Imus will return and is trying to kiss up to him a bit, perhaps? When back, Imus will probably lash into such shakedown artists as Sharpton and Jackson, as he often did previously.

And remember, Imus is a liberal...
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Username: Danny

Post Number: 6248
Registered: 02-2004
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 - 2:10 am:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Great post.

You quoted that have finally had a chance to read all of the posts on this topic and I have a few things I need to say. First off, let me just say this, "WHITE PEOPLE AND WHITE-SKINNED PEOPLE, you and your families have all benefitted at some point in history from the racism and discrimination directed towards blacks, period. Even if your family did not own slaves, you and your family benefitted from the racism and discrimination directed towards blacks. Even if your family came to this country only 100 years ago, you and your family benefitted from the racism and discrimination directed towards blacks. So, all of you who want to use those claims to dismiss what has happened to blacks in this country, and then tell blacks to stop blaming whites for their current state, need to stop.


White folks can stop racism if they wanted to, but racism is historical perfect, therefore racism exist in our human psychological minds and white folks are going to share their racist past to their children and their children's children until the end of the world. It took racism to create the United States what it is today. Wipe out all Native Americans, produce slavery for Africans and become rich and powerful the next day.

"The truth is your ancestors, whether they were English, Italian, Jewish, Polish, German, Irish, Arab, or Spanish/Cuban, could change their names and learn English and they could fit in and take part in this American society with relative freedom quicker than any carmel-colored, chocolate-colored, or black-colored African American ever could. A Frank Sinatra(Italian), Steven Spielberg(Jewish), Peter Kowalski(Polish), Arnold Schwartzenegger(German/Austria n), Conan O'Brien(Irish), Danny Thomas(Lebanese), or Fiedel Castro(Cuban) could go into a hotel back in the day and tell the clerk his name was John Smith and he could get a room. A black man named John Smith couldn't get a room because of his skin color. That was the reality."


Back then any immigrant who is WHITE descendent coming to U.S. will work really hard to Americanize themselves to that they could achive their dreams like a getting a job, house, car and enjoy some entertainment. Once race is left out of those a chocolate skin. Few may achive any more of them WILL NOT. That's the way it is in the U.S. keep all the ethnic folks in one basket. Black folks were told by whites long ago not to think about what is going on with their own selves and then problemsolve but to make them think that they are black and you're NOT ready to be white or act white until white folks say so.

"I point this out not for the sake of laying blame but to get some of you whites to understand that the problems with Black Detroit, or Black America for that matter are complex and can't be excused away with a simple response like, "Pull up your boot straps black people and get over it. We need whites empathy, not your dismissiveness."


Most black folks will not get over their dark past that they have experienced through the dark arts of racism. They have been taught from their relatives long ago that they white folks have been calling them NI--ER! COON and ALABAMA PORCH MONKEYS and now the word "Racism" or being a racist has become historical perfect in their psychological mind and they continue to hold it as a stronghold slowing their hope and their chance to recognize themselves a human beings.

"A second point that I want to discuss concerns the attitudes of whites on this forum towards AccraGhana. AG made some outstanding points, and I want to applaud you, AG, on the level of thought that you brought to this topic. I agree with most of the things that you said. I do think that you stayed too long because I could see that some folks weren't going to appreciate any additional analysis on your part. With that being said, what bothers me about some of you whites on this forum is that you wanted AG to give you solutions to the problems facing blacks in Detroit and he chose not to offer any. Then, all of a sudden AG became the bad guy.

I will agree with AG that some of the solutions that could be offered to help blacks would probably be denounced by whites because whites would see those solutions as some form of reverse discrimination, much like how a lot of whites are against affirmative action programs.
For example, one solution that I have for improving Detroit and its majority black citizenry would be to lower the state sales tax just for the city of Detroit. This would benefit many of the poor, mostly black, citizens in the city. It would encourage more businesses to open in the city and encourage more citizens to shop in the city instead of shopping in the suburbs."


You all see what happens when "racism" is historically perfect in the white man's mind. They think that they are afraid that black-folks in America will rise up then overthrow their society. Well then, when blacks were emancipated, they have means of stirring up threats, they just want to live their peaceful lives a human beings.

I think most of the white folks who are members in the forum should apologize for posting negative comments against AG. It was trying figure a way how Detroit should break away from the curse of segregation. Detroit is NOT Birmingham, ALA. nor it was the "Cradle of Confederacy". Michigan is not Mississippi nor it was a Klu Klux Klan state. It's a Union Yankee northern state. But you white folks treated as a racist state with racist cities and giving black folks a bum steer once they try to migrate to this great lake state for jobs and escape from the nightmares of HATE! Black folks are sick and tired HEARING AND SEEING HATE. They are going a point that they are self destructing themselves to be household terrorists on American soil. It's time for folks in Detroit and suburbs to CUT IT OUT! Racism and segregation will not make Detroit a world class city or fix a vacant or abandon buildings. It's time for blacks, whites, red and yellows to come together so that we could show the world that Detroit would be great place to live and prosper without and bickering or brothers killing brothers.

"However, the first thing you would hear from suburbanites(mostly whites) is that this is unfair to them, despite the fact that they have all the malls and movie theaters and other businesses that won't even come into Detroit. Therefore, it would never happen because the white majority would not tolerate it."


Well! that's them. They most of them moved of Detroit not because of the 67' riot, but get away from blacks who want a good decent Detroit home and live a peaceful life. Same goes to every last American cities. If 100 blacks move a all white small town they might think of 2 main options:



"My third point deals with affirmative action. Regarding affirmative action, many whites think that it should be eliminated because it supposedly discriminates against whites. Well, let me offer this thought. Someone mentioned that 70% of the U.S population is white. Now, if you had 10 students applying to attend the University of Michigan it could be assumed that seven out of 10 of those applicants are white. Now, using affirmative action the university has determined that because of past practices(where 8 of the 10 applicants were white men and one was a white woman and another was a student of color) they are going to bring in more blacks and other minorities. So, instead of accepting seven whites out of ten, the university might decide to accept only six whites out of ten. Now, that seventh white applicant might have a perfect score on his/her SAT but not be accepted because U of M chose to accept a black student to add diversity to the school, eventhough the black student's SAT score was 50 points less than the white student that didn't get in. So the white student finds out and sues U of M."

The picture that is then painted is that the black student is unqualified because their test scores were lower. What is not understood by whites who are against affirmative action in this example is that the black student is in the top of their class at their school. They simply scored 50 points less than the white student on the SAT, but whites make it sound like the black student was an average student. This is the fallacy.


Affirmative Action is like Jim Crow for whites. It gives more businesses and colleges free ride for BLACKS ONLY and NO WHITES allowed. Black-folks don't need to be in that level of Affirmative Action by means a race. It should work based upon experience.

"Finally, most black Detroiters, including myself and my family, work hard everyday. However, many of us don't get the opportunities to be truly rich and successful as our white counterparts. Many paths to success are closed to blacks because whites have the money and the power. For example, a qualified black doesn't get a position in a company because the white boss of that company is giving it to his less qualified nephew. Also, suburbanites(mostly whites) like to complain about why the black city administration doesn't do any thing about the abandoned buildings downtown and in other parts of the city, yet most of these abandoned buildings are owned by whites. So, there you have it. No blame just truth.


When blacks and other minorities saw these things going on in U.S., they think they are ashamed because they were born black. We'll I say to the black man," Go ahead keep on reaching your goal and don't stop until you have reach the prize."

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Username: Royce

Post Number: 2315
Registered: 07-2004
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 - 3:38 am:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

The legacy of racism, brutality, and discrimination perpetrated by whites towards blacks is the reason why every word and action by a white person should be scrutinized. White people, you can not simply wake up and say, "I'm throwing away my guilt because I am tired of being reminded by blacks that my words and actions might be perceived as racist." Sorry, but you don't want to pay reparations so being perceived as being racist is the "white man's" burden that you have to face. Try to deal with it without whining and complaining that the blacks are being unfair.

If you want to be angry with someone for your predicament, then find all of those white families who benefitted from free labor from black slaves to build their family fortunes, find all of those white families whose ancestors lynched black men and put fear in blacks so that they wouldn't even ask for equal rights and opportunites, and find white families whose fathers denied qualified black men from moving up the corporate ladder because they wanted to give that position to a less qualified white so that they could maintain their "old boys network" and tell them that you don't appreciate the predicament their actions now put you in.

All I want from whites is for you to show empathy towards the plight of black Americans and not be so quick to throw out phrases like, "I never owned slaves so why should I feel guilty for the plight of black America" or my family came over on a boat we never discriminated against any blacks." Again, all whites and white-skinned people have benefitted from racism and discrimination towards blacks whether you realize it or not.

If you think being black in the U.S is not tough, then tell me white people that you would gladly trade places with a black person and honestly tell me that you would be just as successful as a black person as you would a white person. Think about it carefully before you go rushing to type out your responses.

Now, I do believe that many blacks can do a better job at personal responsibility. I'm not trying to blame the white man for all of the ills in the black community. However, past transgressions of whites towards blacks can't be forgotten and swept under a rug just because white folks don't want to be reminded of them.
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Username: Eec

Post Number: 86
Registered: 06-2007
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 - 9:03 am:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

The racism in this thread, against blacks AND whites, is pretty scary.
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Username: Michigan

Post Number: 795
Registered: 04-2007
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 - 9:14 am:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

No one has posted on here that black people did not suffer racial discrimination. In fact, it seems agreed by all that black folks still often suffer from discrimination. So that is agreed upon, and is a place to start together.

IMHO The differences emerge when it is time to move past that point:

A) White POV- It seems that white people are willing to admit that racism has been and sometimes still is a problem. They have been castigated for this by blacks,whites, the government, Amnesty International, et al for decades. They think massive amounts of government money and effort have been directed at the problem, and they think that the time spent rehashing every indignity faced by blacks in the past is nothing but a waste of effort that could have been spent working to move forward as part of the American dream.

B) Black POV- It seems that black people are pissed, very pissed in fact. Their grandparents and sometimes parents got the crap kicked out of them for a long time and now they are really angry about it. They do not think that white Americans really understand, appreciate or acknowledge what was done to their ancestors or how it has affected their lives to this day. They think that they have been born into what might be described as a dysfunctional ethnic family. The majority of succesful black Americans who are living as productive citizens have spent a tremendous amount of energy just to break free of the dysfunctional cycle that they were being sucked into, and they would like that effort acknowledged.

Does this seem to be a fair assessment of the two sides? I hope so. I also hope that we can see that the two sides are not that far apart, and instead of fighting each other over what has happened we can discuss directions that we should follow to help all move forward.

Now, it is Sunday so let's not jump all over me too badly while I'm at 11:45 mass, okay. If you guys think I overstated or understated or missed anything, then please correct it. But let's not fall into to the old pattern. You keep doing the same thing you'll get the same results, and none of us want that.
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Username: Tkelly1986

Post Number: 378
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 - 10:10 am:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

People need to stop dumping all the "racism" on white people. Black people have become equally as racist and harbor hate for white people just as much as the other way around. The resident “racists” on this board try to paint it as a one-way street. Well, from what we have seen above that is far from true. This is a problem from both ends and yes, black people are just as guilty, so stop trying to continue to victimise yourselves and make whitey out as the evil overlord oppressor and the “street profits” as the innocent victims.
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Username: Detroit_stylin

Post Number: 4423
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 - 12:18 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)





But as usual it will always go over the usual suspects heads...
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Username: Paulmcall

Post Number: 257
Registered: 05-2004
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 - 1:19 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I still don't see too many actual solutions here.
A lot of finger pointing again and non relevant subject matter discussed.
What's the solution to a disheartened population?
How can the family unit be restored?
How can a lost generation be salvaged?
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Username: Number1

Post Number: 6
Registered: 07-2007
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 - 1:47 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

The problems that black people faced in the past were terrible, but not unique in world history. All races of people have suffered at some point. We must not let history keep us from moving forward. Many of the people that keep wanting to bring up past events do not want to acknowledge that personal responsibility and hard work is the solution in TODAY'S world. I'm not finger pointing. I'm simply pointing out the solution.
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Username: Gibran

Post Number: 735
Registered: 02-2007
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 - 3:38 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

The pains of racism is alive in the faces of those who were victimized by it. The generations of good people who just wanted best for themselves and their children. .The quite dignity in having to come face to face daily of how things change in one degree but are the same in others. we can hope and pray for empathy and understanding. The generalizations and wide sweeping attitudes must stop...find common ground and respect for each other...

while never walking in the shoes of a decent person who has experienced racism first hand , I at least can hear their story and find the humanity in their pain. I can then try not ot generalize and provide real human love and understanding.. One way to break down the cycle of hate is through positive regard. Respect, empathy and forgiveness on all fronts...

There is no way to rationalize what another person feels only good deeds to show that another person of another race cares...
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Username: Revaldullton

Post Number: 458
Registered: 07-2007
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 - 4:02 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I don't have the minutes for some long winded eloquent response which is going to fall of deaf ears so here is the short and blunt version for you militant types.

I find it Funny, hilarious even that all you do is blames whites. WHITE, WHITE WHITE WHITE, its the WHITE person's fault.

Why ARE YOU LEAVING out the AFRICANS which began the slave trade and decimated the continent and its own people? decimated way before white got there.
For that matter, your people still practice slavery openly.

Why leave out the ARABS which helped the AFRICANS decimate Africa and then took over the slave trade from them for a few centuries.
Who are still involved in it and in cahoots with the AFRICAN slave traders running amuck in the homeland.

I'll tell you why, because it serves you no purpose to admit your own peoples hands in and faults as to why slavery and racism began in the first place.
If you could not blame someone else, then all would be lost for "your own" cause, not the cause of black people.Your cause is a selfish one and not one for the "black people"/.

It would be like Bush blaming his self for the mess in IRAQ.

I have nothing else to say on this crap because I, my family and friends know whats up and we do not buy into this blame someone else for my problems crap.

If you stopped blaming and took grasp of your own life you would see how wonderful life could be for you as it is for the countless numbers of others living in America.

The supermarket is fresh out of white guilt.
have a nice day

the good rev
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Username: Livernoisyard

Post Number: 3473
Registered: 10-2004
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 - 5:28 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

A helluva lot of ARABS are AFRICANS.
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Username: Revaldullton

Post Number: 466
Registered: 07-2007
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 - 5:34 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Now, please refrain form this nonsenses and enjoy
some love and happiness in your miserable lives.

There are people worse off in the world than any of us can imagine. All this nonsense is wasted energy when we can get together and really help those in need instead of being selfish.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=2N_ tmH6y7ng
http://youtube.com/watch?v=xT5 ndfXXJTM
http://youtube.com/watch?v=oke tnCssiy0

the good rev
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Username: Danny

Post Number: 6250
Registered: 02-2004
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 - 8:44 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

YAY! blame white folks for their exploitation of domination of other races.

YAY! blame black folks for a their ignorance and self-destruction.

YAY! blame the Arabs for their global terrorism.

YAY! blame the Jews for the rejecting Jesus Christ, running the banks and controling the govt'.

YAY! blame the Chinese for rejecting their own way of life philosophical wisdom for Marxist Neo-Boshevism.

YAY! blame the Japanese for destroying the Detroit's Big Three Automobile market.

WHAT FOOLS HAVE WE BECOME! MOST OF US EVEN FORGET TO LOVE THY NEIGHBOR SO WE HATE THY NEIGHBOR INSTEAD. Go right ahead, post your comments about blaming other people for their calamity. The Lord is not please of our behavior and the antichrist is laughing at us right now.