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Username: Sparty06

Post Number: 117
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Saturday, December 06, 2008 - 8:22 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

House Bill 5755 will allow Michigan citizens with a concealed carry permit to own Taser devices. Citizens in Michigan are already allowed to own concealed hand guns and other lethal devices. It makes no sense to allow citizens to buy lethal handguns but prohibit them from buying Tasers. Tasers are a non-lethal self-defense device that would significantly help citizens defend themselves against crime and other violent attacks. So far this year the Detroit Police Department has confiscated over 4,500 illegal handguns. (http://www.detnews.com/apps/pb cs.dll/article?AID=20088120504 08)

Obviously this is just a small sample of the illegal handguns that exist in and near our communities. Because of the worsening economy in Michigan and other socio-economic factors, it is possible that crime statistics will increase in the near future. With so many violent crimes and guns already in our communities, Tasers offer a non-lethal way for citizens to defend themselves. Additionally, for a person wishing to obtain a self-defense device, Tasers pose significantly less risks than guns. Furthermore, because the law requires the individual to obtain a concealed carry permit, those wishing to own a Taser would be required to go through training and would have to receive a license for their device. From the perspective of someone who wants to move into the city but is worried about crime, if I wanted to purchase a self-defense device I would be forced to buy a gun. A taser is a much easier and safer option, especially in dense areas. Citizens are already permitted to own Tasers in 43 states. Please write your state Congress person and urge him or her to support this bill.

For some more information on the bill see this article in the Detroit News. http://www.detnews.com/apps/pb cs.dll/article?AID=/20081113/P OLITICS/811130345

(Message edited by sparty06 on December 06, 2008)

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