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Username: Ravine

Post Number: 924
Registered: 01-2006
Posted on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 2:13 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I probably should keep my mouth shut, because I'm not particularly knowledgeable about basketball. Still, I know a thing or two about professional sports, so I'm gonna go ahead with my statement. The Pistons are almost certain to go to the Finals. Why? Because Lebron James, who is the best player the Cavaliers have, is a Loser. It's not even about the issue of whether or not he should have taken that last shot. It's about how, in the post-game press conference, he expressed a sense of satisfaction with the game the Cavaliers played. He nearly bit his tongue clean off, the first half-syllable of the word "satisfied" hanging, chopped, from his lips, in his effort to avoid outright saying as much. Someone needs to explain to him: It's NOT how you play the game. It IS whether you win or lose. If he feels that they played a good game, and that there were some positives which they may be able to work with in the rest of the series, that's very nice, but this series will be over quickly if the Cavaliers' best player, immediately after a loss, is feeling good about how The Next Game may turn out. This is not goddam Little League, or even college. This is the pros. They are being paid (in his case, a breathtaking amount) to WIN. This is not a job like us working stiffs have, where maybe a goal was not reached, but the fact that you worked your ass off in pursuit of that goal still counts for something. In professional sports, if you don't win, you must have lost (except in hockey, where a sorry-ass tie is actually worth something,) and if you lost, you have FAILED, and while it is O.K. to feel good about having given it all you got, it is weak, lame, and entirely Pussy (sorry, ladies, but it is the word I really wanted to use) to sit there, after that game, and feel any sense of satisfaction (which I, again, stress that he did not allow himself to outright state) with the just-concluded event. A real winner would much rather play an ass-ugly game and WIN it, than sit there, after a loss, and feel good about ANYTHING. Lebron James may be a helluva player, but if what I heard him say last night is reflective of how he truly felt, he is a Loser, and if the best guy on the team is a Loser, your team is in deep, inescapable shit, and maybe this DOES have something to do with why he didn't take that last shot.
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Username: Yvette248

Post Number: 517
Registered: 10-2006
Posted on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 9:05 pm:   Edit PostDelete Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I remember back in the day when Boston used to kick our butts on a regular basis. We wanted the Pistons to win, but we really didn't believe we were better than the Celtics.

Cleveland and the Bulls WANT to win, they are TRYING to win, but deep inside, they KNOW that they are not a better team. One day they will get tired of losing and will kick our royal butts, Ravine. But today just isn't that day.

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